July 17, 2008 Making Mordern Music
Location: Hershey Stadium, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: Audience Master
Grade: A+
Setlist: Digital Man (Cuts In) 3:04
Ghost Of A Chance 6:13
Mission 5:42
Freewill 5:52
The Main Monkey Business 6:29
The Larger Bowl 5:10
Red Barchetta 7:16
The Trees 5:47
Between The Wheels 5:54
Dreamline 5:33
Intro 3:29
Far Cry 5:19
Workin' Them Angels 4:45
Armor And Sword 6:38
Spindrift 5:45
The Way The Wind Blows 6:40
Subdivisions 6:29
Natural Science 8:28
Witch Hunt 4:41
Malignant Narcissism 2:15
Drum Solo 8:39
Hope 2:16
The Spirit Of Radio 4:59
2112 : Overture The Temples Of Syrinx 7:03
Tom Sawyer 7:36
One Little Victory 5:34
A Passage to Bangkok 3:49
YYZ 4:52
Outro 1:40
Comments: With the possible exception of the Tampa show, this is the best Snakes and Arrows show out there, performance and sound are amazing. The performance here is very spirited, Geddy is in a very good mood tonight, and Geddy even jokes with the crowd as you can hear some laughing in the backround after Digital Man, as Geddy forgets how to say music it seems, and its hilarious! The sound is something too get crazy about. The mix is just about perfect, nothing wrong with it at all. There is an amazing amount of bass, and drums. The guitar and highs are well captured too, the keyboards and pedals sound amazing and extremely full here too. The only complaint is that it is barely incomplete. Its missing Limelight and some of Digital Man, but I can live as this is just about soundboard as there is absolutly no taper talk, no distance, and this show is about as close as pure heaven as you can actually get on earth. A must have show, its amazing in every single way.

June 09, 2008 69 Chicago
Location: The United Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Source: Audience Master
Grade: A-
Intro 2:06
Limelight 4:20
Digital Man 6:46
Ghost Of A Chance 5:51
Mission 6:06
Freewill 6:09
The Main Monkey Business 6:13
The Larger Bowl 5:24
Red Barchetta 7:02
The Trees 5:43
Between The Wheels 5:52
Dreamline 5:34
Intro 2:29
Far Cry 5:19
Workin' Them Angels 4:44
Armor And Sword 6:33
Spindrift 5:57
The Way The Wind Blows 6:30
Subdivisions 6:27
Natural Science 8:21
Witch Hunt (cut) 3:53
Comments: If this show was complete, it would get an A, because what is here sound very good, but maybe not best of tour. The performance is excellent, as I was there, far from the stage, with my step-father unfortunatly. Alex almost fell a few times, but the performance was very good despite almost falling. Geddy was in a very good mood, and it was very loud tonight as it scared me when Alex started to play Limelight. The sound here isn't excellent, but its more or so a low excellent. There is some distance with the recording, but it actually adds more than detracts as it gives you more of a feeling of your there. The mix here is exceptional. A very good recording, but I definatly wish that this show was complete, as what is here sounds pretty damn good.

July 08, 2007 Snakes & Arrows & Rotisserie Chicken
Location: PNC Bank Arts Center, Homdel, New Jersey, USA
Source: Audience Master
Grade: B+
Setlist: Intro
Digital Man
Entre Nous
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
Secret Touch
Between The Wheels
Far Cry
Workin Them Angels
Armor And Sword
Spindrift The Way
The Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Malignant Narcissism
Drum Solo
Summertime Blues
The Spirit Of Radio
Lil Rush
Tom Sawyer
One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok
Comments: Well, this isn't very good, but it isn't bad. Medicore, I should say. There is a great amount of people around the taper, and I can't really hear the band at all that night, so it was a bring down, for me. But, it has its highs were you can hear them pretty well, most prominatly in "Far Cry" and "Natural Science". The band seems to put on a good show that night, to. The performance, mainly , is the only reason to get this, and because it might be a more or so rarer than normal source, that that is okay. So, I can really only recommend this to collectors.

June 19, 2007 Snakebites in Tampa
Location: Ford Amphitheater, Tampa, Florida, USA
Source: Audience Master
Grade: A/A+
Setlist: Intro
Digital Man
Entre Nous
Geddy talk
The Main Monkey Business
Mckenzie talk
The Larger Bowl
Secret Touch
Between The Wheels
Far Cry
Workin Them Angels
Armor and Sword
The Way The Wind Blows
Geddy talk
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Malignant Narcissism
Drum Solo
Summertime Blues
The Spirit Of Radio
Tom Sawyer
One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok
Comments: This is probably the best from the tour, from what I have. The sound is almost perfect, I swear, when I'm listening to it, it sounds like a great soundboard show. The only real problem is that there are a few annoying people, and the crowd gets in the way at first, but settles down after "Limelight". Geddy was singing all of the high notes, and overall, a really, really great perfromance by the boys. The boys seem to really be enjoying themselves tonight, and I'm very glade that the performance is so good with such amazing sound on this one, so you know you really can't go wrong here. You have to get it if you love the Snakes & Arrows days of the band.
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