March 08, 1990 Available Light
Location: The Palace, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Source: Proshot Video (High Gen)
Audio: B/B+
Video: B+
Setlist: Force Ten
Distant Early Warning
Time Stand Still
Red Barchetta
Show Don't Tell
The Pass
Closer to the Heart
Manhattan Project
The Rhythm Method
War Paint
Tom Sawyer
The Big Money
2112: Overture
La Villa Strangiato
In the Mood
Comments: Though not as good as the Mountain Views show in terms of both video and sound, this is an excellent and very rare source. There are some claims the the audio is better than the video, I completely disagree. First off, the sound is wraped in tape hiss and compression, and the drums are nearly nonexistant at times. The guitars, vocals, and bass really standout though, which redeems the listening factor. The video, despite being very high generation, is very enjoyable, and in my opinion, a low excellent. It dosen't have as much clarity as the Mountain Views show as that show is much lower generation, this show gives a completely badass Geddy for us to watch! Its a great DVD, with a great performance. If your a Presto fiend as I am, you will really like this show.

Location: The Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Source: Video - Proshot VHS (low gen)
Audio: A/A+
Video: A+
Setlist: Dreamline
The Spirit of Radio
The Analog Kid
Cold Fire
Time Stand Still
Nobody's Hero
Roll the Bones
Stick It Out
Double Agent
Mystic Rhythms
Closer to the Heart
Show Don't Tell
Leave That Thing Alone
The Rhythm Method
The Trees
Hemispheres: Prelude
Tom Sawyer
Force Ten
Comments: Here is probably the best proshot that I own. Its probably not my absolut favorite, as that might go to Detroit 90 and Passaic 76 as my favorites, but this might slip right under those. The sound is much improved over the Critical Mass bootleg that I own, as this is much more clear sounding, and much less flat sounding as well. The bass tonight sounds great, as its the best instrument that is being played that night. The video is, well, outstanding. Its amazing for a proshot, the colors are so vivid and amazing. The band looks amazing, and its really cool to watch Alex play keyboards in time for Time Stand Still, he does that on the Presto tour, but its cooler here. The performance is excellent, with the best version of The Analog Kid around, you can't find any other one thats like that one. This is a must have.

Location: Corestates Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: Audience (1st Gen Mixdown video)
Audio: A-
Video: A-/A
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra
The Big Money / Wipeout
Half The World
Red Barchetta
The Trees
Red Sector A
Nobody's Hero
Closer to the Heart
Test for Echo
Roll the Bones
Leave That Thing Alone
The Rhythm Method
Natural Science
Force Ten
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
Cygnus X-1
Comments: Here is an excellent Test for Echo show, while not as good as the Albany DVD a few weeks prior, this one is definatly great. The sound is definatly much better than the Albany show, as it has much more depth and much less rough spots in the recording, and there isn't so much taper talk on this one. The mids and highs are just about right as the lows seem to come in perfectly with the show. The video is outstanding too. One of the cameras had better optics than the other, as it didn't move so frequently, but they both offer different and interesting visuals of the band. There are 4 cameras! There is one on Alex side, near the stage, the rest are in the back, on in center, and 2 on left and right hand side. Everyone can be seen and heard fine on this recording. The audience is up for the night, and so is the band. They give in a pretty damn good performance for the Philly crowd, as they surge into a very good Red Sector A, which is when the video mixer screen actually pops up! Its actually funnier than anything, as it shows excatly what kind it is. A must have DVD that you can definatly enjoy for a long time with great sound and great video.

Location: Molson Amphitheater, Toronto, Canada
Source: VHS master
Audio: A-
Video: A
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:40
Dreamline 5:03
Limelight 4:29
Stick It Out 5:28
Driven 5:09
Half The World 3:55
Red Barchetta 6:52
Animate 6:59
Limbo 5:26
The Trees 5:27
Virtuality 5:51
Nobody's Hero 5:32
Closer to the Heart 5:31
2112 21:34
Test For Echo 7:03
Freewill 5:35
Red Sector A 5:19
Roll the Bones 6:02
Resist 5:03
Leave That Thing Alone 4:49
The Rhythm Method 8:44
Natural Science 8:08
Force Ten 4:44
The Spirit of Radio 4:58
Tom Sawyer 6:31
YYZ 4:55
Comments: What a great show we get here, with some awesome video and some awesome sound to match! I do think that the audio is from the scanner source from Digital Reproductions release Stolen Signals, but I can't be for sure as I don't have that source. That source that is listed is from the same exact date as this show. I definatly think that the bass sounds really nice here, with some good mids and the overall sound is awesome. The mix is near perfect, with no distortion or anything that would make this a bad sounding show. Now the video is the best part of the show. Not only is it the best single cam from the tour, its one of the better from every tour. The only detractor is that Neil isn't seen as Geddy's keyboards get in the way most of the time, but you can see Neil on the video projector screen above, so we can still see shots of Neil, which is very good. The video is so clear and great, it amazes me. There are only a few security ducks, but none that would detract from this overall awesome show. The performance is one of the best from the tour, with one of the better versions of 2112 and Force Ten caught here. A must have recording, you will enjoy it alot if you really love the Test for Echo tour, and if you love Geddy and Alex.

Location: Molson Amphitheater, Toronto, Canada
Source: VHS Master
Audio: B/B+
Video: B+/A-
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:16
Dreamline 4:59
Limelight 4:24
Stick It Out 5:10
Driven 5:14
Half The World 3:55
Red Barchetta 6:45
Animate 6:42
Limbo 5:26
The Trees 5:27
Virtuality 5:41
Nobody's Hero 5:32
Closer to the Heart 5:22
2112 21:10
Test for Echo 6:58
Freewill 5:31
Red Sector A 5:14
Roll the Bones 5:58
Resist 4:57
Leave That Thing Alone 4:47
The Rhythm Method 8:08
Natural Science 8:01
Force Ten 4:40
The Spirit of Radio 4:54
Tom Sawyer 6:18
YYZ 4:18
Cygnus X-1 1:10
Comments: The third and fourth discs of this awesome release. This show is great, I think that the performance here is a tad higher than the nights previous, though this version of 2112 might not be as strong. The sound and video are a tad lacking, but not too much. The video is pretty good, you get a full shot of the band and the close-ups are decent, but the overall picture quality isn't as excellent as the few nights prior. The sound, although not in pristine condition, is very good and you can hear everything very well. A must have for the more serious collector.

June 01, 1992 Left to Chance DVD
Location: Lawlor Events Center, Reno, Nevada, USA
Source: Audience (1st Gen VHS)
Audio: A-
Video: A
Setlist: Intro 0:45
Force Ten 4:42
Limelight 4:19
Freewill 4:04
Distant Early Warning 4:27
Time Stand Still 6:13
Dreamline 5:04
Bravado 6:36
Roll The Bones 6:15
Show Don?t Tell 6:16
The Big Money 6:09
Vital Signs 4:44
The Analog Kid 5:16
Ghost Of A Chance 5:47
The Trees 4:50
Where?s My Thing? 5:30
The Rhythm Method 7:44
Closer To The Heart 4:41
Xanadu 6:41
Superconductor 5:05
Tom Sawyer 6:06
The Spirit Of Radio 4:46
2112: Overture 3:19
Finding My Way 2:05
La Villa Strangiato 3:15
Anthem 1:44
Red Barchetta 1:34
The Spirit Of Radio (Reprise) 0:47
Cygnus X-1 0:51
Comments: Right off the bat, I think that this was recorded from the camera because when the camera moves to Geddy, the drums sound a bit more compressed, and when the camera is on Neil and Alex it has a more drum sounding mix to it. But this show is amazing. The performance is great here, Geddy has a sleeveless on, and his hair is really cool looking on this video boot. The sound here is excellent, definatly. There are parts were the mix seems to be a little compressed, but there is an amazing amount of sound flucuation. There seems to be a bit of crispy-sounding qualities to the recording, but its an amazing sounding video boot. The video is the star though. There are amazing close ups here, as this was recorded on Alex's side of the stage, and there weren't too many heads or security ducks, which is very good here. Its clear, ands a personal favorite from any tour. With good sound and video, this is a must have video bootleg, definatly one of the best audience shots I have ever seen.

Location: Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, USA
Source: Audience Video (3 Cam Matrix) / Audio
Audio: B/B-
Video: A+
Setlist: Intro Video
Digital Man
Entre Nous
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
Secret Touch
Between the Wheels
Lerxst Video Intro
Far Cry
Workin' Them Angels
Armor & Sword
The Way the Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Malignant Narcissism
Drum Solo
Distant Early Warning
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok
Comments: This is my favorite Snakes and Arrows video boot, and I may stress the word video in the sentence. The sound is very far from perfect. There isn't too much distortion or anything, but its so very distant sounding and the mix ins't well captured. But I don't think its terrible, as you can hear the instruments seperately, and the drums sound good here. The video is the obvious standout here. Its a 3 camera mix, and all of the cameras are pretty much near the tripod level for anything. There is one in the middle right in front of the stage (probably the one that was taken for the audio, as that is the most distant one, and the audio itself is very distant and has very poor resolution) and 2 other cameras on each corner. I think the guy on the right corner liked Geddy's crotch as he positioned is camera right there in Entre Nous and Digital man, but they camera men are amazing here. There is an extremely rough part in the audio in Limelight, were the taper may have been breathing too heavily, as there was some distortion and some wind noises going on. That only lasts for a minute or so. You can hear coughing in Digital man, but it dosen't detract from this outstanding video. A must have, if you can get past the minor audio problems, this is amazing.

Location: Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, USA
Source: Audience (Hi8 Master Clone)
Audio: A-
Video: A-/A
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra
The Spirit Of Radio
The Analog Kid
Cold Fire
Time Stand Still
Nobody's Hero
Roll The Bones
Stick It Out
Double Agent
Mystic Rhythms
Closer To The Heart
Show Don't Tell
Leave That Thing Alone
The Rhythm Method
The Trees
Hemispheres: Prelude
Tom Sawyer
Force Ten
Cygnus X-1
Comments: This is excellent! The sound, the video, the everything is so good here! The audio is excellent, with the exception of Dreamline sounding a little bit more distant and a little more distorted than the rest of the show, as the rest is distortion and distance free. The video is the standout here. There is so much clarity here, and every band member gets their moment on the camera, which makes for a great bootleg. There are a few heads in the beginning of the show, but other than that the camera man does a very good job on focusing in on the action and does a really good job of keeping the lense on the band and into the crowd. The performance is pretty good, with a great version of Force Ten and the Analog Kid come to mind when it comes to performance on this show. The sound and amazing clarity in the video are enough reasons to get this great DVD we have here.

Location: Radio City Music Hall, New York, New York, USA
Source: Audience
Audio: A
Video: A-/B+
Setlist: Intro
R30 Overture
The Spirit of Radio
Force Ten
Red Barchetta
Roll the Bones
The Trees
The Seeker
One Little Victory
Darn That Dragon
Tom Sawyer
Secret Touch
Between the Wheels
Mystic Rhythms
Red Sector A
Heart Full of Soul
2112: Overture, Temples of Syrinx, Finale
La Villa Strangiato
Bytor and the Snow Dog
Working Man
Summertime Blues
Limelight / Outro
Comments: If I had the 3 camera edition that I hear is floating around somewhere, I would like that, but this isn't bad by any means. The sound here is a bit better than the video. There is a good amount of bass and drums, the vocals and keys come through fine and the guitar seems to jump right at you. So by me, this is a perfect mix. I think that the sound might not be as good as the first night they were here at the Radio City Music Hall, but this offers a little more clarity, but lacks in overall punch as the first night. The video here is excellent, but somewhat suffers from one camera, but overall the taper seems to keep a good eye on the band. There are little obstructions in the video, which is great. The performance is amazing here, they give a good shot for the New Yorkers here, and the band is up for the night, as they were the first night, but both nights produced good performances. A must have.

April 13, 2008 Sunrise at Henhouse
Location: Bank Atlantic Center, Sunrise, Florida, USA
Source: Audience
Audio: A+
Video: A-
Setlist: Intro
Digital Man
Ghost Of A Chance
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
Red Barchetta
The Trees
Between The Wheels
Far Cry
Working Them Angels
Armor And Sword
The Way The Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Malignant Narcissism
Drum SoloHope
The Spirit Of Radio
2112 (Overture / The Temples Of Syrinx)
South Park Lil Rush
Tom Sawyer
One Little Victory (photo slideshow)
A Passage To Bangkok (1/3 photo slideshow)
Comments: An excellent show, one of my favorites. The sound here is excellent. There is a great amount of clariy in the instruments, and the depth is fantastic. I wish the highs were a tad brighter, but they are fine as they are. If it were a bit brighter, you would get more clarity, but I think that it sounds excellent as it is. The video quality here is definatly beautiful. There are a few moments when he has to hide the camera from the security, but that is very rare. Most of the security hiding happens on disc 1, luckily. It was synced with the best audio, and it really is a great production. The performance here is a very good one. They seem to be doing well after their few month break, and they are now on their Snakes and Arrows Live tour, if any distinction from the Snakes and Arrows regular tour and the Snakes and Arrows Live tour can be made, except for a little bit of a change in the setlist. A great DVD set, a must have for the new fans who want to see them now, in the present.

Location: MEN Arena, Manchester, UK
Source: Audience - 3 Cam Mix
Audio: A+
Video: A/A-
Setlist: Intro
R30 Overture
The Spirit of Radio
Force Ten
Red Barchetta
Roll the Bones
The Trees
The Seeker
One Little Victory
Darn That Dragon
Tom Sawyer
Secret Touch
Between the Wheels
Mystic Rhythms
Red Sector A
Drum Solo
Heart Full of Soul
2112 - Overture
2112 - Temples of Syrinx
2112 - Grand Finale
La Villa Strangiato
By-Tor & The Snowdog
Working Man
Summertime Blues
Comments: Here is an excellent 3 cam mix from the R30 European part of the tour. The sound here is excellent, great depth with the audio and it gives it some soundboard qualities because it seems to be very close to the stage at most times, there is little distance with anything. The sound is not flat, and I think it is in stero, if not, its the best mono recording that I have ever heard in my whole life. The bass sounds great tonight, and there is not distance. The first camera is probably the best looking one, but that, unfortunatly, is the one that only works for the first few songs, and then goes. The remaining cameras a pretty good, but we do get to see alot of heads at times, but when they zoom, it looks great. Disc 1 is the worst, which respectivly gets about a B+ for the video, but Disc 2 and Disc 3 are amazing, so I bumped up the grade to an A/A- more or less. A great DVD that you can enjoy for many years to come.

Location: The Montreal Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Source: Audience (Camcorder (1st Gen))
Audio: B/B+
Video: A-
Setlist: Three Stooges Intro
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
Digital Man
Vital Signs
The Camera Eye
Closer to the Heart
The Analog Kid
Broon's Bane
The Trees
Red Barchetta
The Weapon
New World Man
Limelight (cut)
2112: Overture/The Temples of Syrinx
La Villa Strangiato
In The Mood (cut)
YYZ/Drum Solo
Comments: How fucking lucky are we to get this super rare Signals DVD? This is great, but it isn't perfect. There are 2 cuts, none too bad, luckily. The sound here isn't great until "Digital Man" then it gets a B/B+ rating really. Its very distant sound because it was filmed in the back of the Forum, but I think that it still sounds pretty good for the most part. The video is the real star on this night, though. We get clear shots of everyone, and its very interesting to see them on the Signals tour. Geddy looks bad ass with those leather pants on. Oh yeah, something that is really cool here, Geddy uses the Steinberger on "Digital Man" and it sounds really good. The sound has exceptional bass response, as that is the clearest instrument there. The performance here is very good, Geddy and Alex are really happy to be there. Alex is moving all across the stage, and its really cool. A great DVD that no Rush fan can live without.

June 27, 1990 Mountain Views
Location: Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, California, USA
Source: Proshot (In-House Line Feed)
Audio: A-
Video: A-
Setlist: Force Ten
Distant Early Warning
Time Stand Still
Red Barchetta
Show Don't Tell
The Pass
Closer To The Heart
Manhattan Project
Drum Solo
War Paint
Tom Sawyer
The Spirit Of Radio
2112: Overture
La Villa Strangiato
In The Mood
Pipeline / Jazz Bass
Comments: Here is good proshot in-house feed, meaning it has all of the little videos that they had playing over the band while they were performing. The video and the audio have major problems, but they both look and sound pretty good for the most part. The performance here isn't that great, very average to say the least. They seemed a little tired tonight, but I think that the Snakes and Arrows tour has much better performances than all of the the Presto shows combined, but this is a definatly average night for the boys. They seem to have a few problems, like when Geddy makes an ugly note in "Marathon," but nothing else is overly bad about this show, but it is a little average tonight. The sound here has alot of treble. In fact, I have never heard so much treble in a soundboard/proshot recording. The overall sound isn't terrible, but it lacks life. It dosen't have so much fun to listen to, very flat and very boring to listen to, but I think that everything is very clear. One main problem for me with the audio is that it is in mono, so you don't get a very full sound like when you are listening to a normal stero soundboard or audience recording of that nature. The video has some problems, but probably not as bad as the sound problems with this show. There is pixelation, due to the fact that this show is only on one disc, but I think that it should stay that way because you don't have to change discs every hour, but it means less quality with your recordings, and that can be bad. The cameras have nice angels, a good amount of clarity, and it has great shots of Niel in this show, which really amazes me. There are moments when the video and audio freak out, just look at Distant Early Waring, but that only happens 2 times, so it is a very rare occurance. Also, when the camera is further from the stage, there is much less clarity with the video, but this only happens a few times, so it does not interfere with the rest of the show, just a few sections. This is a great Presto show that any fan with love, mainly because it is a Proshot recording.

October 19, 1996 Initial Reflections DVD
Location: Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, New York, USA
Source: Audience (2 Camera Mixdown Digital Master Clone)
Audience (Master DAT )
Audio: B+
Video: A
Setlist:2001 Intro
The Big Money
Half the World
Red Barchetta
The Trees
Red Sector A
Nobody's Hero
Closer to the Heart
Test for Echo
Roll the Bones
Leave That Thing Alone
The Rhythm Method
Natural Science
Force Ten
Time and Motion
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
Cygnus X-1
Comments: Another excellent video bootleg that I have found. This is a 2 camera mixdown, with is great, because it has very good angles and such. The band seems really good for their first night on their tour, they give a really good performance. Geddy introduces "Driven" with "There not mess-ups, just new parts" and its pretty funny. The video quality is great, clear and steady. The audio is fine, but there is alot of audience noise, but the band comes in very clearly, making this fine bootleg. Highly recommended.

November 15, 1975 Caught in the Act Part 2
Location: Rockford Armory, Rockford, Illinois
Source: audience 8mm film > Video
Audio: B-
Video: A-
Setlist: Intro
Bastille Day
Lakeside Park
The Necromancer
By-Tor and the SnowdogWorking Man
Comments: This is the second show from the Caught in the Act DVD, which includes the Caress of Steel video as well, which is another this you don't want to pass up. The intro is just Neil telling how bad the tour for Caress of Steel really was. There is alot of rare footage, which is really great. But that bad thing is the audio. It was taken from the only Caress of Steel source. The Stainless Steel isn't that bad, it was a little hard to watch with the audio, though, but definatly not a bad boot. You get alot of good shots of the band, Geddy, Alex, and Neil in their indiviual shots, and what not. This is a great DVD, and you really don't want to miss this rare DVD.

Location: Capitol Theater, Passaic, New Jersey
Source: Proshot
Audio: A
Video: A-
Setlist: Intro (Nights,Winters,Years by BLUE JAYS)
Bastille Day
Lakeside Park
Fly by Night/In the Mood
Commenst: This is one of the best bootlegs that I own. The sound and video are crisp, clear, and near offical quality, in my opinion, because it is an all proshot source, even the audio. The sound is really only one of the best parts of the performance. Geddy sound incredible on that night. The sound is actually much better than the audio bootleg of this. The performance was overall outstanding, you can see that Alex has many problems with the tuning, though. Neil's drums came in really great. The video is clear, but in black and white, which isn't really all that bad. You can see almost everything. A boot you don't want to miss.
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