March 23, 1994 A Farewell to Richfield
Location: Richfield Coliseum, Richfield, Ohio, USA
Source: Audience (Analog Master)
Grade: A-/A
Setlist: 2001 Intro 1:08
Dreamline 5:05
The Spirit of Radio 4:57
The Analog Kid 5:42
Cold Fire 4:53
Time Stand Still 5:55
Nobody's Hero 5:06
Roll The Bones 6:08
Animate 7:46
Stick It Out 5:18
Double Agent 4:50
Mystic Rhythms 5:43
Closer to the Heart 5:21
Show Don't Tell 5:22
Leave That Thing Alone 5:55
The Rhythm Method 7:15
The Trees 5:07
Xanadu 6:40
Hemispheres: Prelude 4:17
Tom Sawyer 6:00
Force Ten 4:39
YYZ 4:23
Cygnus X-1 0:41
Comments: What a show we have here! The performance is definatly excellent, and so is the amazing sound! The sound is so warm because it is an Analog Master source, it makes me feel so happy to listen to it. There is some echo, but not too much distance, and the mix is especially wonderful for such a huge place like the Richfield Coliseum. The performance is definatly awesome here, the boys love Cleveland, Ohio, and I think that they love Ohio in general as they always give very strong performances when they come here. Geddy is in a very nice mood tonight, and Alex is in a "Star Trek" mood, you'll have to find out! Get this show, and you definatly will not be dissapointed by the amazing sound and the awesome performance. And, did I mention, its cut free!

April 26, 1994 Winken, Bliken, Nod
Location: US Air Arena, Landover, Maryland, USA
Source: Soundboard
Grade: A-
Setlist: Stick It Out
Double Agent
Mystic Rhythms
Closer To The Heart
Show Don't Tell
Leave That Thing Alone
Drum Solo
The Trees
Hemispheres: Prelude
Tom Sawyer / YYZ
Cygnus X-1
Comments: Here is what it called "the best" Counterparts show, it might give Nuts and Bolts a run for its money. The overall sound is absolutly excellent, my main thing with it is that its incomplete, though. The incompletness of this show knocks it down to an A-, which is pretty much excellent in its own right, but it would have gotten an A+ if it was full. The vocals get a bit buried in the mix, because Geddy is a little hard to distinguish at times. The performance isn't anything to get excited about, just normal I guess. A show for the Counterparts fan.

Location: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Source: Audience/Soundboard
Grade: A
Setlist: Intro/Dreamline 6:43
The Spirit of Radio 4:53
The Analog Kid 5:17
Cold Fire 5:24
Time Stand Still 5:53
Nobody's Hero 5:09
Roll the Bones 6:01
Animate 7:14
Stick It Out 5:17
Double Agent 4:55
Limelight 4:28
Bravado 6:25
Mystic Rhythms 6:00
Closer to the Heart 5:38
Show Don't Tell 5:25
Leave That Thing Alone 5:58
The Rhythm Method 7:18
The Trees 5:17
Xanadu 6:31
Hemispheres: Prelude 4:14
Tom Sawyer 5:13
Force Ten* 4:37
YYZ^ 4:20
Cygnus X-1^ 0:44
Comments: This isn't as good as Animated, but its awesome. Its much fuller than the soundboard recording, and the audience matrix makes it seem to have a bit fuller, and less mono sound qualities to it. Starting with Force Ten, the sound dramatically changes, not bad, but a little more distant as that is the audience tape going on. The mix is completely awesome, with everything sounding tip-top. The performance is damn awesome, with an amazing version of Hemispheres tonight, with Force Ten sounding really good as well. A show for anyone who would love to see the complete MLG show.

Location: US Air Arena, Landover, Maryland, USA
Source: Soundboard
Grade: A-
Setlist: Stick It Out 6:11
Double Agent 4:52
Limelight 4:31
Bravado 6:22
Mystic Rhythms 5:35
Closer To The Heart 5:40
Show Don't Tell 5:16
Leave That Thing Alone 5:56
Drum Solo 6:52
The Trees 5:21
Xanadu 6:45
Hemispheres: Prelude 4:15
Tom Sawyer 5:01
Comments: A very good show is what we get here. As I have said before, the sound quality is astonishing, and amazing. The highs and lows are completely excellent here, and the mids are something to get crazy about. The performance is pretty much okay, and Alex is in a decent mood tonight while introducing Stick it Out, but nothing really unusual or exciting with the overall performance. This show is incomplete, that is why it got an A-. Its a great show, more for the Counterparts lovers and soundboard freaks.

Location: The Omni, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Grade: A-/A
Setlist: Intro 1:44
Dreamline 5:05
The Spirit of Radio 5:00
The Analog Kid 6:15
Cold Fire 4:30
Time Stand Still 5:55
Nobody's Hero 5:09
Roll The Bones 6:09
Animate 8:01
Stick It Out 5:44
Double Agent 4:56
Limelight 4:32
Mystic Rhythms 6:12
Closer to the Heart 5:22
Show Don't Tell 5:30
Leave That Thing Alone 5:50
The Rhythm Method 7:26
The Trees 5:02
Xanadu 6:50
Hemispheres: Prelude 4:20
Tom Sawyer 5:31
Force Ten 4:40
YYZ 5:11
Comments: This show is amazing, I will definatly put it that way. The sound qualilty is outstanding, and in the most pristine of conditions. The audience is a little loud, but nothing that is way too distracting for me. The sound is like a high generation soundboard to me, its that amazing, you could definatly have had me easily fooled. Everything is very well captured, and the seperation and clarity are phenominal. The performance is great too. Rush always gave a good show to the Atlanta crowd, and this show is definatly excellent. Geddy is in an awesome mood tonight, definatly great. The boys serve up a great version of Force Ten tonight, in fact, this is probably the strongest performance of the early part of the tour. Amazing, you need this show in your collection.

Location: Corestates Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: Soundboard
Grade: A+/A-
Setlist: Intro 2:02
Dreamline 5:05
The Spirit of Radio 4:57
The Analog Kid 6:25
Cold Fire 4:31
Time Stand Still 5:57
Nobody's Hero 5:07
Roll The Bones 6:07
Animate 7:48
Stick It Out 5:14
Double Agent 4:54
Limelight 4:46
Bravado 6:34
Mystic Rhythms 5:57
Closer To The Heart 5:50
Show Don't Tell 5:28
Leave That Thing Alone 6:06
The Rhythm Method 7:53
The Trees 5:19
Xanadu 6:59
Hemispheres: Prelude
Tom Sawyer 5:28
Comments: There are a few things about this boot that are simply amazing, and there are somethings about this boot that actually can drive people insane. The performance isn't great, Geddy is a little sick from a few days prior to this show, and the second disc of this show is in full mono quality, or the second disc has very many mono-qualities to it that make it a little less enjoyable than the first disc. The sound on the first disc is official quality, no doubt in my mind, it sounds completely excellent, full bass, nice mix, and the drums kick ass. The second disc isn't bad or anything, but not excellent or official quality. The show is also a little incomplete, its missing the encore of the show, but the rest of the show is actually here, so we can definatly enjoy that part. A great boot, I recommend the first disc over the second disc any day of my life though.

March 11, 1994 Welcome to our Town
Location: The Centrum, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Source: Soundboard
Grade: A
Setlist: Intro 1:48
Dreamline 5:07
The Spirit of Radio 5:00
The Analog Kid 5:44
Cold Fire 4:34
Time Stand Still 6:01
Nobody's Hero 5:11
Roll the Bones 6:10
Animate 6:48
Stick It Out 6:19
Double Agent 4:53
Limelight 4:34
Mystic Rhythms 5:54
Closer to the Heart 5:43
Show Don't Tell 5:27
Leave That Thing Alone 5:57
The Rhythm Method 7:28
Comments: Another amazing Counterparts performance, and its a soundboard! There are amazing soundboards and audience recordings from this tour, and this is definatly one of the best of the soundboards that I have listened to. The clarity is amazing here, and all of the instruments sound amazing here. The performance is pretty good too. The sound easily beats the 1994-03-22 show, because this isn't in mono format, and it is much less compressed. But this is incomplete, wich the other show I mentioned is complete. The version on of "Double Agent" here is fucking killer, is so amazing. A must have show for everyone.

March 22, 1994 Critical Mass
Location: The Palace, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Source: Pro Video Feed/FM Broadcast
Grade: A-
Dreamline 4:58
The Spirit Of Radio 4:55
The Analog Kid 6:13
Cold Fire 4:49
Time Stand Still 5:33
Nobody's Hero 5:10
Roll The Bones 6:09
Animate 7:47
Stick It Out 5:15
Double Agent 4:56
Limelight 4:38
Mystic Rhythms 6:13
Closer To The Heart 5:25
Show Don't Tell 6:44
Leave That Thing Alone 4:34
Drum Solo 7:23
The Trees 5:04
Xanadu 6:44
Hemispheres: Prelude
Tom Sawyer 5:34
Force Ten 4:38
YYZ 4:23
Cygnus X-1 0:47
Pieces of Eight 10:15
Comments: This is a proshot video feed, so you can't expect this thing to be amazing. There is a good amount of sound here, but it seems very compressed at times, but thats my opinion. It dosen't come close to Animated, Nuts and Bolts, or even First Part of Counterparts in the sound quality. I think that sometimes the keyboards overall drown the music out (check Mystic Rhythms for a good example of this) but its not all bad. The band seems to be tight tonight, they give some good performances. I think that there is a great amount of clarity here, too. This is good for people who love the Counterparts tour, or people who like good performances.

March 08, 1994
March 09, 1994 The Big Apple Box
Location: Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Grade: A-
Setlist: Intro 1:41
Dreamline 5:10
The Spirit Of Radio 4:57
The Analog Kid 5:40
Cold Fire 4:42
Time Stand Still 6:04
Nobody's Hero 5:19
Roll The Bones 6:07
Animate 7:35
Stick It Out 5:22
Double Agent 4:55
Limelight 4:30
Mystic Rhythms 6:09
Closer To The Heart 5:20
Show Don't Tell 5:26
Leave That Thing Alone 5:59
The Rhythm Method 7:10
The Trees 5:05
Xanadu 6:50
Hemispheres: Prelude
Tom Sawyer 5:07
Force Ten 4:37
YYZ 4:23
Cygnus X-1 0:38
Comments: A great show that we have here, and full to mention. The sound in "Dreamline" isn't very good, maybe about a B/B- on a scale of F to A (thats pretty much with both of the recordings, unfortunatly), this thing is a definate A-, clearing its name, really. The sound, overall, is very clear, distortion, and tape hiss free and there is about no distance with the music at all. The sound, is also very crisp sounding. The performance is also very nice here tonight, they give some great songs like "Force Ten" and "Xanadu" but the overall performance is pretty excellent. The mix is also very nice, with Alex coming in pretty damn well. This is an incredible bootleg, because of the amazing performance that can easily be the best from the tour, and excellent sound quality, except for "Dreamline."

April 02, 1994 Nuts & Bolts
Location: Dane County Coliseum, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Source: Soundboard
Grade: A+
Setlist: Intro/Dreamline 6:39
The Spirit of Radio 4:54
The Analog Kid 6:07
Cold Fire 4:29
Time Stand Still 5:39
Nobody's Hero 5:03
Roll The Bones 6:09
Animate 7:27
Stick It Out 5:15
Double Agent 5:26
Limelight 4:39
Mystic Rhythms 6:05
Closer to the Heart 5:35
Show Don't Tell 5:20
Leave That Thing Alone (intro) 1:14
Leave That Thing Alone 4:50
Drum Solo 7:29
The Trees 5:18
Xanadu 10:29
Hemispheres: Prelude 0:22
Tom Sawyer 5:20
Force Ten 4:39
YYZ 5:04
Bravado 6:55
Comments: Holy shit, God has gifted us with the perfect bootleg from the Counterparts tour, this is way to good to be true! The sound is perfect, the mix is incredible, it actually sounds professionally mixed. This is just as good as Great Woods and Summer Skies because of their amazing quality. If Rush did decide to release this, I think it would be a best-selling live album. The performance is pretty good here, too. They give the absolut best version of "Nobody's hero" with Geddy giving all of his passion into that song. This is, no question in my mind, better than Animated and the First Part of Counterparts bootlegs, this thing sounds so good. This should be in everyones collection.

Loaction: Reunion Arena, Dallas, Texas, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Grade: A-/B+
Setlist: Dreamline 5:35
The Spirit Of Radio 5:00
The Analog Kid 5:58
Cold Fire 4:36
Time Stand Still 5:52
Nobody's Hero 5:17
Roll The Bones 6:08
Animate 7:20
Stick It Out 5:03
Double Agent 5:08
Limelight 4:37
Mystic Rhythms 6:01
Closer to the Heart 4:55
Show Don't Tell 5:38
Leave That Thing Alone 5:57
The Rhythm Method 7:07
The Trees 4:55
Xanadu 6:44
Hemispheres: Prelude 4:16
Tom Sawyer 5:12
Force 10 4:41
YYZ 5:03
Comments: This might not be soundboard quality, but its a decent audience bootleg. The mix is perfect, but I wish I could say the same for the sound quality, but I definatly cannot. The sound by all means isn't bad, its actually quite good, but nothing special. There is some compression and some distance with the band, but I think this is a pretty good source. The performance here is what gives this something to turn off. Its early in the tour, and I think they weren't that incredible yet, so I can't say that the performance is definatly incredible. This is more for the Counterparts fan.

January 18, 1994 First Part of Counters
Location: Civic Center, Pensacola, Florida, USA
Source: Soundboard
Grade: B+/A
Setlist: Thus Spoke Zarathustra 1:27
Dreamline 5:29
The Spirit of Radio 4:59
The Analog Kid 5:30
Cold Fire 4:19
Time Stand Still 6:00
Nobody's Hero 5:23
Roll the Bones 6:07
Animate 6:47
Stick It Out 5:07
Double Agent 6:16
Limelight 4:36
Mystic Rhythms 5:46
Closer to the Heart 4:41
Show Don't Tell 5:31
Leave That Thing Alone! 4:31
The Rhythm Method 6:42
The Trees 5:06
Xanadu 6:43
Hemispheres: Prelude 4:17
Tom Sawyer 5:03
Force Ten 4:38
Distant Early Warning 3:11
YYZ 2:01
Comments: This is really a true jem! How could it get better than this, a rehearsal of the Counterparts! I love it! The sound quality is a little odd at the beginning, then is simply corrected. I can actually recommend this more than the Animated show because this is a rare source, and Animated, is a widely spread source, and I really don't think that it really stands a chance to this one in a rarity contest. I highly recommend this show!

Location: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Source: Soundboard
Grade: A
Setlist: Dreamline 6:55
The Spirit Of Radio 4:56
The Analog Kid 5:05
Cold Fire 5:36
Time Stand Still 5:26
Nobody's Hero 5:21
Roll The Bones 6:12
Animate 6:29
Stick It Out 5:23
Double Agent 5:36
Limelight 4:30
Bravado 6:30
Mystic Rhythms 5:55
Closer To The Heart 5:38
Show Don't Tell 5:15
Leave That Thing Alone 6:08
The Rhythm Method 7:18
The Trees 5:12
Xanadu 6:34
Hemispheres: Prelude
Tom Sawyer 4:57
Comments: Amimated is the last show of the tour, as far as I know. It sound really nice, crisp, and delightful sound. But, another mention, its a little thin on the sound quality, but is really nice, and full in some songs. Rush is in Canada, so you know its going to be a good show. The performance is captured perfectly, which is really great, and I enjoy that. The only problem is that this isn't as rare as the other source, but its pretty good, for the most part. I also think that the mix could be a little better, but I think that the best part of the mix is the bass coming in with such an amazing and powerful response. I highly recommend this show.
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