Location: The Omni, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Grade: A
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:20
Dreamline 5:07
The Big Money 7:07
Driven 5:13
Half The World 3:54
Red Barchetta 6:54
Animate 7:01
Limbo 5:24
The Trees 5:25
Red Sector A 5:18
Virtuality 5:55
Nobody's Hero 5:37
Closer to the Heart 5:07
2112 21:32
Test for Echo 7:15
Subdivisions 5:43
Freewill 5:43
Roll the Bones 5:57
Resist 4:52
Leave That Thing Alone 4:48
The Rhythm Method 8:22
Natural Science 8:08
Force Ten 4:48
The Spirit of Radio 5:01
Tom Sawyer 5:50
YYZ 4:59
Comments: A very awesome show we get here. The performance is completely excellent, Geddy is in probably the best mood that I have ever heard him in, and his vocal powers here definatly show. Alex is in a great mood as always, and Neil is hitting the drums very well as he usually does on these shows. The sound is completely excellent too. Though its not as good as the Landrover show, it beats Boston and Philly, but Boston is very close. It even beats Chicago in the later parts of the show, thats how excellent this recording usually sounds. The mix is near perfection, with the audience very low in the mix for most of the time, and the band is very well heard and well distinquished, and the mics are very detailed because everything is so crisp and very clean and clear sounding for most of the time. The bass end sounds exceptional here with awesome clarity. The highs and lows are very well represented here as well. There is some echo, nothing very serious, actually it helps the recording seem a little more detailed at some times. This show is a must have for anyone and anything because this is one of the absolute best Test for Echo show that I have ever come across, so this is highly recommended.

Location: Blockbuster - Sony Music Entertainment Center, Camden, New Jersey, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Grade: A
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:37
Dreamline 5:01
Limelight 4:29
Stick It Out 5:12
Driven 5:15
Half The World 3:55
Red Barchetta 6:50
Animate 6:52
Limbo 5:19
The Trees 5:28
Virtuality 5:47
Nobody's Hero 5:22
Closer to the Heart 5:24
2112 21:25
Test for Echo 6:57
Freewill 5:38
Red Sector A 5:11
Roll the Bones 6:39
Resist 4:27
Leave That Thing Alone 4:47
The Rhythm Method 8:29
Natural Science 8:07
Force Ten 4:46
The Spirit of Radio 4:54
Tom Sawyer 6:30
YYZ 4:21
Cygnus X-1 0:33
Comments: Another very excellent show from the second half of the Test for Echo tour, and a grand show it is. Though the performance might not be one of the best from the tour, it sometimes beats Boston and Philly at most times. The performance isn't bad, its just a bit boring and unexciting at most times. Geddy is in an okay mood, but he dosen't seem to be too happy to be here at most times. The sound is completely excellent. This show would be an A+ if the performance was a bit beter, because the sound quality is completely excellent. This is also a complete show, so you can get to hear everything that they were playing tonight. The highs and lows are pretty good, with only the bass end seeming a bit low in the overall mix. A good show that you pretty much have to have in your collection for the collection to be complete, its really that good.

Location: Civic Arena, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Grade: A-
Setlist: Dreamline 5:33
The Big Money / Wipeout 7:08
Driven 5:07
Half The World 3:57
Red Barchetta 6:52
Animate 7:03
Limbo 5:25
The Trees 5:21
Red Sector A 5:17
Virtuality 5:54
Nobody's Hero 5:36
Closer to the Heart 4:51
2112 20:34
Test for Echo 7:05
Subdivisions 5:38
Freewill 5:40
Roll the Bones 5:59
Resist 4:53
Leave That Thing Alone 4:42
The Rhythm Method 7:56
Natural Science 8:04
Force Ten 4:49
The Spirit of Radio 4:57
Tom Sawyer 5:49
YYZ 4:53
Comments: Here is an awesome show from the first half of the Test for Echo tour. Its much better than its brother, Aztec & Maya because the sound is much fuller sounding. There is some distortion on Dreamline, maybe the PA system was distorting, but the rest of the show is completely amazing. The performance is something to get crazy about, because they are in Pittsburg, so there is a few notches turned for he performance. The sound is completely amazing as well. Everything is well balanced and heard very well. A show you have to get.

May 20, 1997 Delta Forces
Location: Delta Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master Clone)
Grade: A-/A
Setlist: Stick It Out 5:31
Driven 5:27
Half The World 3:56
Red Barchetta 6:54
Animate 6:51
Limbo 5:33
The Trees 5:36
Virtuality 6:14
Nobody's Hero 5:16
Closer to the Heart 5:20
2112 21:58
Test for Echo 7:19
Freewill 5:42
Red Sector A 5:20
Roll the Bones 6:18
Resist 4:39
Leave That Thing Alone 4:47
The Rhythm Method 9:02
Natural Science 8:09
Force Ten 4:43
The Spirit of Radio 5:05
Tom Sawyer 6:51
YYZ 5:49
Comments: The only, and I mean the only thing that keeps this from being an A is that it is missing the first 2 songs. What we have here is one of the best from the tour, rivaling that of the Chicago and the Boston show! We get amazing depth with the recording, great highs and lows that make it seem like a soundboard at times. There is no distance that I can pick up at all, so that just adds to the sound. The audience, for the most part, seems to be in good form, not shouting when they shouldn't be. The performance, is decent. Nothing really special seems to go on with the performance, but its not terrible as they don't make too many mistakes. A great show that will make its way into your collection one time or another.

Location: World Music Theater, Tinley Park, Illinois, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master Clone)
Grade: A
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:40
Dreamline 5:03
Limelight 4:29
Stick It Out 5:28
Driven 5:09
Half The World 3:55
Red Barchetta 6:52
Animate 6:59
Limbo 5:26
The Trees 5:27
Virtuality 5:51
Nobody's Hero 5:28
Closer to the Heart 5:25
2112 21:53
Test for Echo 7:17
Freewill 5:39
Red Sector A 5:18
Roll the Bones 6:01
Resist 4:52
Leave That Thing Alone 4:49
The Rhythm Method 8:23
Natural Science 8:08
Force Ten 4:44
The Spirit of Radio 4:58
Tom Sawyer 6:31
YYZ 5:25
Comments: This show rivals the Houston soundboard, it might even beat it because this show has such a full stero sound! Oh my god, I don't beileve what my ears are hearing right now, its like heaven! The sound quality is awesome, soundboard is what these audience shows should be called if it is this good. There is not one ounce of distance, and everything sounds awesome, the mix is amazing. The drums and bass are very prominate in the mix, and the guitar seems to hit the right spot. The keyboards sound good, nothing special though. The performance is excellent as well. Amazing version of 2112, hands-down the best version of the tour. Just listen to the way Geddy sings it, its awesome, best vocals tonight for him. A must have recording, this show is absolutly amazing and you need it in your collection or you will die from not having this superb show! Get it now!!!!!

Location: Marcus Amphitheater, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Audience (DAT Master)
Scanner (DAT Master Clone)
Grade: A+/A
Setlist: Tune up 0:56
2001 Intro 1:22
Dreamline 5:04
Limelight 4:29
Stick It Out 5:09
Country Music Jam 2:38
Driven 5:15
Half The World 3:55
Red Barchetta 6:58
Animate 6:51
Limbo 5:25
The Trees 5:26
Virtuality 6:20
Nobody's Hero 5:06
Closer to the Heart 5:23
2112 22:10
Test for Echo 7:28
Freewill 5:46
Red Sector A 5:18
Roll the Bones 6:26
Resist 4:26
Leave That Thing Alone 4:47
The Rhythm Method 8:52
Natural Science 8:14
Force Ten 4:45
The Spirit of Radio 4:58
Tom Sawyer 6:27
YYZ 4:23
Cygnus X-1 1:24
Comments: This is awesome. Thats one sentence to view this show. This is an audience show with a scanner version of the show, so its makes Geddy sound monsterous tonight! We do get an awesome Country Jam captured tonight as Alex broke his thing, Geddy calls it, but after about 2 or 3 minutes the boys start Driven just fine. The performance here is excellent, as they are in Milwakee which leads to an excellent performance. This is a show you can't really pass up for anything as the performance and the sound are both very, very excellent.

November 09, 1996 Its all about the Music
Location: Fleet Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Source: Scanner (DAT master clone)
ALD (DAT master clone)
Audience (DAT master clone)
Grade: A
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:34
Dreamline 5:38
The Big Money / Wipeout 7:07
Driven 5:14
Half the World 3:57
Red Barchetta 6:54
Animate 6:45
Limbo 5:35
The Trees 5:24
Red Sector A 5:14
Virtuality 6:19
Nobody's Hero 5:18
Closer to the Heart 4:48
2112 21:57
Test for Echo 7:12
Subdivisions 5:14
Freewill 5:35
Roll the Bones 6:38
Resist 4:29
Leave That Thing Alone 4:41
The Rhythm Method 7:53
Natural Science 8:04
Force Ten 4:44
The Spirit of Radio 5:00
Tom Sawyer 6:36
YYZ 4:25
Cygnus X-1 1:06
Comments: An extremely good matrix of sources. The sound here is nothing short of phenominal and excellent, but at the beginning or so, there is a very hollow sounding part of the show, and the scanner sources goes with "Driven" all the way until the first set. The sound is still very good, and we do also get a pretty good performance to match. There are better shows performance-wise, but I do think that they had some fun tonight. A great boot that should definatly make it into everyones collection at one time or another, this is also a must-have for the casual collector.

Location: Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, New York, USA
Source: Audience
Grade: B
Setlist: Driven 5:48
Half The World 3:55
Animate 7:01
Limbo 5:30
The Trees 5:05
Red Sector A 5:23
Virtuality 6:06
Nobody's Hero 5:06
Closer To The Heart 4:39
2112: Overture / Temples of Syrinx 6:44
2112: Discovery / Presentation 6:34
2112: Oracle
Test for Echo 6:42
Subdivisions 5:33
Freewill 5:32
Roll The Bones 6:31
Resist 4:24
Leave That Thing Alone / The Rhythm Method 12:02
Natural Science 7:57
Force Ten 5:09
Time and Motion 5:30
Tom Sawyer 5:21
YYZ / Cygnus X-1 5:02
Comments: An okay show to say at best, and definatly not the worst from the tour that I have heard so far. There is a good amount of distance with the band, some distortion, but luckily not too much. There are a lot of audience memebers who like to shout so loud that it really gets annoying at times, but I do think that for the most part that this is an enjoyable recording. There are cuts, the first few songs are completely gone, and so is "The Spirit of Radio" which really nocks the grade on this one. A diehard boot, one for them.

November 06, 1996 Aztec and Maya
Location: Corestates Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Grade: A-
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:29
Dreamline 5:06
The Big Money / Wipeout 6:58
Driven 5:07
Half The World 3:57
Red Barchetta 6:50
Animate 6:56
Limbo 5:28
The Trees 5:18
Red Sector A 5:14
Virtuality 6:07
Nobody's Hero 5:22
Closer to the Heart 4:55
2112 20:44
Test for Echo 7:14
Subdivisions 5:38
Freewill 5:40
Roll the Bones 6:31
Resist 4:27
Leave That Thing Alone 4:44
The Rhythm Method 7:47
Natural Science 8:01
Force Ten 4:46
The Spirit of Radio 5:02
Tom Sawyer 6:42
YYZ 4:25
Cygnus X-1 0:43
Comments: This show is possibly one of the best shows from the first leg of the tour, the sound is great and so is the performance. Well, the sound is a tad distant at times, but when you play it loud, this show really shines. The guitar is perfect in the mix, with only the bass being a tad low in the mix, but I do think that it can be pretty loud at times, luckily nothing overwhelming. The drums are also captured pretty well, as with the vocals and the keyboards sounding great. The crowd and the band is definatly up for the night, as they are both very loud, but luckily the audience is polite around the taper so the sound is very clear, and every instrument sounds very good. It is definatly a must have show from the Test for Echo tour.

May 25, 1997 All Systems Go
Location: Woodlands Pavilion, Houston, Texas, USA
Source: Audience (Digital Master Clone)
Grade: B-
Setlist: Driven 4:10
Half The World 3:56
Red Barchetta 6:52
Animate 6:42
Limbo 5:33
The Trees 5:28
Virtuality 6:12
Nobody's Hero 5:08
Closer To The Heart 5:27
2112 21:54
Test For Echo 7:06
Freewill 5:37
Red Sector A 5:18
Roll The Bones 6:26
Resist 4:24
Leave That Thing Alone 4:43
The Rhythm Method 9:02
Natural Science 8:03
Force Ten 4:46
The Spirit of Radio 5:03
Tom Sawyer 6:31
YYZ 5:39
Comments: So far, the worst Test for Echo show that I have come across lately, and it is really something that should be avoided at all costs. The sound here isn't great, but not terrible. The drums are the only thing that actually stick out in this recording, and everything else, unfortunatly, gets buried in the heavy mix of things. Geddy is really lost, near to the point were he is pretty much nonexistant in the recording. The recording is definatly distant. The performance here is pretty good, but I think that the sound is so bad that it really dosen't matter because this show is near unlistenable quality. The first few songs are cut, so that really dosen't help this recording in any way possible. A collectors item really.

June 22, 1997 Driven to the Edge
Location: Blockbuster - Sony Music Entertainment Center, Camden, New Jersey, USA
Source: Audience (Digital Master clone)
Grade: A-
Setlist: 2001 Intro 1:42
Dreamline 4:58
Limelight 4:27
Stick It Out 4:27
Driven 6:04
Half The World 3:54
Red Barchetta 6:46
Animate 6:24
Limbo 5:52
The Trees 5:24
Virtuality 5:53
Nobody's Hero 5:27
Closer To The Heart 5:24
2112 21:43
Test For Echo 7:01
Freewill 5:34
Red Sector A 5:22
Roll The Bones 6:05
Resist 4:58
Leave That Thing Alone 4:50
The Rhythm Method 8:26
Natural Science 8:05
Force Ten 4:46
The Spirit Of Radio 4:59
Tom Sawyer 6:32
YYZ / Cygnus X-1 12:52
Comments: What an ugly cover art! Look at that, its terrible! But, luckily the show itself isn't. The sound on here is nothing short of a fantastic, it sounds really almost like a high generation soundboard recording. The only complaint is that it is a tad distant at times, but for the most part everything is very clear, and loud to say the least. I think that the performance is also a standout for the tour. We get some great versions of "Force Ten" and a blistering version of "2112" in it's incredible full length. A must have show from the Test for Echo tour.

May 22, 1997 Mile High Echo
Location: Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre, Greenwood Village, Colorado, USA
Source: Audience(Master)
Grade: B
Setlist: Dreamline 4:50
Limelight 4:27
Stick It Out 5:12
Driven 5:16
Half The World 3:50
Red Barchetta 6:52
Animate 6:48
Limbo 5:22
The Trees 5:27
Virtuality 5:42
Nobody's Hero 5:35
Closer to the Heart 5:25
2112 21:34
Test for Echo 6:43
Freewill 5:39
Red Sector A 5:13
Roll the Bones 5:56
Resist 4:43
Leave That Thing Alone 4:44
The Rhythm Method 8:23
Natural Science 8:05
Force Ten 4:43
The Spirit of Radio 5:01
Tom Sawyer 5:40
YYZ 4:22
Cygnus X-1 0:33
Comments: Not the best Test for Echo tour show, but I think that it is still because its more of a rare show to own than shows like 12/5/96 or 6/23/97 shows. I think that the sound has so much echo, it can be distracting, and there is alot of distance with the overall recording. The sound itself is distortion free, which is great. Only thing bad is that the cheers are somewhat distorted at times, which is really weird, but never the music. I also think that the performance is pretty good here, too. Maybe not as pucnhy or energetic as places like Milwaukee or Chicago, but I think that they seemed to be enjoying the fact that they were there. A must have for those Test for Echo lovers, but more for the collectors in terms of quality.

Location: Bradley Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Audience (DAT Master)
Grade: A-
Setlist: Taper Talk 1:00
2001 Intro 1:36
Dreamline 5:05
The Big Money 7:03
Driven 5:08
Half The World 4:00
Red Barchetta 6:57
Animate 6:57
Limbo 5:26
The Trees 5:25
Red Sector A 5:22
Virtuality 5:55
Nobody's Hero 5:35
Closer to the Heart 5:08
2112 21:02
Intermission 3:45
Test for Echo 7:20
Subdivisions 5:43
Freewill 5:45
Roll the Bones 6:02
Time and Motion 5:24
Leave That Thing Alone 4:44
The Rhythm Method 7:52
Natural Science 8:07
Force Ten 4:49
The Spirit of Radio 4:59
Tom Sawyer 6:47
YYZ 4:28
Cygnus X-1 1:34
Comments: The second best audience source to come out of the first part of the Test for Echo shows, with only Absolut Rush betting it, and tied with Between two Extremes in sound quality. The sound is really excellent, with punchy high ends, and some blistering low ends without any distortion with the overall recording, which makes for a great and clear sounding recording. The only problem I have with this is that at times, the music drops-out but its definatly nothing distracting. The performance is definatly great. It is much better than the 5/16/97 show, they were a little flat that day, so I really think that this has a great performance. One of the most listenable recordigns from the whole tour, so i really think that this is a must-have show from the Test for Echo tour, definatly one of the best.

Location: GM Place, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Source: Audience (DAT Master clone)
Grade: B/B+
Setlist: Dreamline 5:12
Limelight 4:27
Stick It Out 5:12
Driven 5:18
Half The World 3:59
Red Barchetta 6:52
Animate 6:44
Limbo 5:39
The Trees 5:27
Virtuality 5:48
Nobody's Hero 5:40
Closer to the Heart 5:25
2112 21:47
Test for Echo 7:03
Freewill 5:39
Red Sector A 5:20
Roll the Bones 6:01
Resist 4:55
Leave That Thing Alone 4:49
The Rhythm Method 8:18
Natural Science 8:13
Force Ten 4:46
The Spirit of Radio 5:06
Tom Sawyer 6:41
YYZ 4:25
Cygnus X-1 0:34
Comments: A decent show we have here. The sound is better than the performance, I see. It is much like the Roll the Bones show Mirrors, with great sound, but the performance is very dry and a tad bland here. I think that this is a great example of that. The sound isn't best of tour, but I think that it is pretty good, with some nice lows, but the high end seems to be lacking a tad in this recording. There is some distance, but the audience is quiet in songs so that makes for a clear sounding show. The performance is dry, bland, and uninteresting, so I can really only recommend this show to people who really liked the test for echo shows. The sound is also a tad compressed, I did forget to mention.

June 07, 1997 Between two Extremes
Location: Sandstone Amphitheatre, Bonner Springs, Kansas, USA
Source: Audience (Analog Master)
Grade: A
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:02
Dreamline 5:01
Limelight 4:29
Stick It Out 5:20
Driven 5:19
Half The World 3:55
Red Barchetta 6:55
Animate 7:04
Limbo 5:26
The Trees 5:47
Virtuality 5:54
Nobody's Hero 5:38
Closer to the Heart 5:30
2112 21:52
Test for Echo 6:56
Freewill 5:47
Red Sector A 5:18
Roll the Bones 6:00
Resist 5:00
Leave That Thing Alone 4:56
The Rhythm Method 9:16
Natural Science 8:13
Force Ten 4:46
The Spirit of Radio 5:02
Tom Sawyer 5:49
YYZ 4:56
Comments: One of the single best audience sources from the whole tour, and, a matter of fact, probably the best performance from the tour, besides the Great woods and Summer skies bootleg performance. Its really such an amazing performance, they were rocking their balls off in this performance. Geddy sang with passion on this date, and it really amazes me how great it really sounds. The sound is also excellent. There are only very few cuts, but the sound really saves the grade on this one. The only problem with this recording is that you can hear everyone, but the band comes in incredibly. You can hear people caughing in "Dreamline" but thats about it really for audience noise. A great show you don't want to miss.

June 23, 1997 Great woods and Summer Skies
Location: Great Woods Music Center Amphitheater, Mansfield, Massachusetts, USA
Source: Soundboard
Grade: A+
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:48
Dreamline 5:05
Limelight 4:26
Stick It Out 4:58
Driven 5:19
Half The World 3:54
Red Barchetta 6:54
Animate 6:55
Limbo 5:24
The Trees 5:35
Virtuality 6:25
Nobody's Hero 5:04
Closer to the Heart 5:30
2112 21:22
Test for Echo 7:11
Freewill 5:37
Red Sector A 5:16
Roll the Bones 6:06
Resist 5:02
Leave That Thing Alone 4:48
The Rhythm Method 8:44
Natural Science 8:08
Force Ten 4:42
The Spirit of Radio 4:55
Tom Sawyer 6:20
YYZ 4:22
Cygnus X-1 0:47
Comments: Yes, this is one of the best shows from the tour. Its that damn good. The sound quality is excellent, offical quality. The audience can be loud, but the band plays louder, thats what I love about Rush. The performance is also excellent, with an impressive version of "2112". Actually, this version of "2112" was used on Different Stages, it was really a great performance. The band was really just rocking that night, and it really shows on here. I think that they should have video taped a concert (Different stages with a Test for Echoe video, Counterparts Video, and a Farewell to Kings concret video) of they taped a concert, this would be it. But, they decided not to, but now we have a bootleg for it! Geddy was really having fun tonight, giving his Austin Powers impressionation a try, and its just hilarious. A great show you can't miss.

November 07, 1996 An Absolut Rush
Loaction: US Air Arena, Landover, Maryland, USA
Source: Audience (DAT Master Clone)
Grade: A+
Setlist: Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:31
Dreamline 5:09
The Big Money / Wipeout 6:58
Driven 5:11
Half The World 3:59
Red Barchetta 6:56
Animate 6:58
Limbo 5:28
The Trees 5:31
Red Sector A 5:18
Virtuality 6:09
Nobody's Hero 5:25
Closer to the Heart 4:57
2112 20:42
Test for Echo 6:44
Subdivisions 5:40
Freewill 5:41
Roll the Bones 6:21
Time and Motion 5:11
Leave That Thing Alone 4:46
The Rhythm Method 7:41
Natural Science 8:06
Force Ten 4:46
The Spirit of Radio 4:58
Tom Sawyer 6:45
YYZ 4:30
Cygnus X-1 0:40
Comments: I swear to god, I am listening to an incredible soundboard, but its an audience! This definatly lives up to the hype. This is alot better than the majority of the bootlegs that I have found, and challenges many soundboards. This, in my opinion, is way better, more live, than the Houston soundboard recording. The instruments sound really great. Vocals are upfront, as with the guitar, and drums (the drums are really loud) and the keys come in pretty well, too. The only problem that keeps this from being a straight A+, is that the sound sort of travels in "Dreamline" but the rest of the show sounds really great, a must have. Another great thing about this audience recording, "2112" is played in its full form. It's a great hear, so you really have to have it if you like the Test for Echo era of the band. And, this is the first leg of the tour, so you can hear nice versions of "The Big Money" and whatnot. So get it, if you don't have it.

October 18, 1996 Echoes on the stage
Location: Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, New York, USA
Source: Soundboard
Grade: A+
Setlist: Dreamline 4:04
The Big Money 6:34
Driven 4:59
Half the World 3:58
Red Barchetta 6:50
Animate 6:38
Limbo 5:27
The Trees 5:13
Red Sector A 5:33
Virtuality 5:52
Nobody's Hero 5:44
Closer to the Heart 4:28
2112 20:38
Test for Echo 7:04
Subdivisions 5:35
Freewill 5:35
Roll the Bones 6:10
Resist 4:44
Leave That Thing Alone 4:38
The Rhythm Method 7:15
Natural Science 8:15
Force Ten 4:50
Time and Motion 5:02
The Spirit of Radio 4:59
Tom Sawyer 5:10
YYZ 5:48
Comments: This is so great! We get a soundcheck, and its in incredible condition. Some songs are actually turned into instrumentals so that Geddy can catch his voice, and, man, those instrumentals sound extremly professional, really like it was meant to be the real song, but its just a soundcheck. This actually sounds like it was a really released board, but, really, its not. Still, a great catch, and you really don't want to miss this baby. Its just so great to hear nice audio like this. So, its so recommended.

Location: The Summit, Houston, Texas, USA
Source: Soundboard (DAT Master Clone)
Grade: A
Setlist: 2001 Intro 1:33
Dreamline 5:04
The Big Money 7:07
Driven 5:19
Half The World 3:56
Red Barchetta 6:58
Animate 6:56
Limbo 5:38
The Trees 5:25
Red Sector A 5:25
Virtuality 6:12
Nobody's Hero 5:32
Closer to the Heart 5:04
2112 22:50
Test for Echo 7:15
Subdivisions 5:42
Freewill 5:43
Roll the Bones 6:18
Resist 4:43
Leave That Thing Alone 4:50
The Rhythm Method 8:21
Natural Science 8:14
Force Ten 4:50
The Spirit of Radio 4:58
Tom Sawyer 6:43
YYZ/Cygnus X-1 5:16
Comments: This was considered one of the best shows of the T4E shows. Its pretty good, 2112 is so amazing in its full length, but the rest of the show dosen't really hold up. The guitar is a little background, the bass is upfront, as with the vocals and drums. One thing I really don't like about this recording is that sometimes Geddy's voice goes really background, to sound like a bad audience, but then it quickly goes back to normal, but a glitch that isn't one of my favorites. Overall, its highly recommended.
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