February 17,1978 Where is the Tape?
Location: The Apollo, Glasgow, Scotland
Source: Audience (Unknown Generation)
Grade: B/B+
Setlist: Bastille Day
Lakeside Park
By-tor and the Snowdog
A Farewell to Kings
Something for Nothing
Cygnus X-1
Closer to the Heart
Working man
Fly By Night
In the Mood
Drum Solo
Cinderella Man
Comments: Between Castles in the Distance and this one, I would choose the other source. Its not that this one dosen't sound good, it just dosen't sound as good as the other one. It dosen't have the stereo imaging that Castles in the Distance has, which makes it a bit harder to listen to, and the tape hiss is still there, but still not as loud as Castles in the Distance, and there is some channel phasing at times. The performance is good, but just a little tired. This show could use some work, but its a little more complete that the other version, but lesser quality.

Location: The Palladium, New York, New York, USA
Source: Audience (1st Gen)
Grade: A-/A
Setlist: Bastille Day
Lakeside Park
By-tor and the Snowdog
A Farwell to Kings
Something for Nothing
Cygnus X-1
Closer to the Heart
Working Man Meledy
Comments: This is a big improvement over the genned version of the show. This one sounds very good, one of the best from the tour, but I think that Ron's Vault Release #5 might be a shade better sounding, though this comes very close. I also heard that there is a Hollywood 77 Master source that I am trying to get, and I will give you a review on that once I do happen to get it. The show sounds great. There isn't as much channel phasing on this one, but on Bastille Day there are some problems. The taper was adjusting the settings apperantly, as there is some slight distortion and clipping in the high end, but that settles in Lakeside Park and the rest of the show is absolutly awesome. The performance is great, the boys are in a fantastic mood, and it really shows. This is a show that you need to have.
November 19, 1977 Live in Rochester, New York 1977
Location: War Memorial Auditorium, Rochester, New York
Source: Audience
Grade: B-/B
Setlist: Intro/Bastille Day
Lakeside Park
By-Tor and the Snowdog
A Farewell To Kings
Something For Nothing
Cygnus X-1
Closer To The Heart
Working Man medley
Cinderella Man
Comments: Probably not one of the better ones from the tour. It sounds pretty distant, and the drums are pretty much non-existant, and there isn't too much support on the low end. I think that the performance here is pretty good, you can hear that the boys seem to be enjoying themseleves tonight, but the sound somewhat hampers the judgement, though they sound like they are having fun. This show you probably won't enjoy too much if you get it.

December 29, 1977 Toronto, ON 1977
Location: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Source: Audience (2nd Gen)
Grade: B+
Setlist: Bastille Day 6:08
Lakeside Park 4:52
Bytor And The Snow Dog 4:48
Xanadu 13:15
A Farewell To Kings 6:35
Something For Nothing 4:10
Cygnus X-1 10:45
Anthem 5:19
Closer To The Heart 3:13
2112: Overture 4:38
2112: The Temples Of Syrinx 2:18
2112: Discovery 3:18
2112: Presentation 3:58
2112: Soliloquy 2:27
2112: Grand Finale 2:45
Working Man 4:03
Fly By Night 2:04
In The Mood 2:37
Drum Solo 6:21
Cinderella Man 4:43
Comments: Wow, what a show. Kings on a Stage is terrible, I will be completely honest with you who are reading. This is much better. This is even one of the best from this awesome tour, I definatly should say. The sound is great. The mix is very wonderful, with everything coming in very loud and clear, and the tape hiss is very calm, and not aggressive. There is no weird booming sound or echo that you get with Kings on a Stage. The performance is great, which is definatly granted. But, you can't pass this up with great sound.
December 10, 1977 Hollywood FM
Location: Hollywood Sportitarium, Hollywood, Floridam USA
Source: FM Broadcast (4th gen)
Grade: B/B+
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:01
Lakeside Park 4:34
By-tor and the Snowdog 5:40
Xanadu 10:38
A Farewell to Kings 5:02
Something for Nothing 3:29
Cygnus X-1 5:08
Anthem 4:39
Closer to the Heart 3:41
2112 19:08
Meledy 13:12
Cinderella Man 4:29
Rock Intereview (Neil and Geddy Only) 5:37
Comments: Definatly a cool source indeed. The only near soundboard recording from the Farewell to Kings tour, and not a bad one at that. The show is not as clear as the audience recording from this date (Candian Bacon Platinum Edition) but its still very good. There is a considerable amount of tape hiss, obviously because of the gennerations. The drums are a little lost in the mix, at most times, but its not too bad. The eq seems to go crazy on the first disc, changing every track. The second disc does not have these problems. The show is very easy to listen to because its an FM show, and there is no hall echo that you get from audience recordings at most times. The performance is great, because they are in Flordias nice weather. A show that you have to have.

February 19, 1978 Waterproof
Location: Hammersmith Odeon, London, England
Source: Audience
Grade: B
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:23
Lakeside Park 4:47
By-Tor & the Snow Dog 5:49
Xanadu 12:35
A Farewell to Kings 6:52
Something For Nothing 4:41
Cygnus X-1 11:32
Closer to the Heart 4:51
Anthem 3:40
2112 19:45
Working Man/Fly By Night/In the Mood/Drum Solo/Cinderella Man 11:59
Comments: A nice Odeon show, a good Rush performance. This was recorded a day before the Different Stages disc 3 was recorded. The sound here is a bit distant, and a tad compressed, but very good for a Farewell to Kings show. There isn't too much tape hiss that I can hear either, so thats a sense that it might be low gen. The speed is a bit slow, but nothing too distracting, and you can fix that in any audio editor for your own personal use. The performance is very strong, but Geddy is a bit sick, and thats probably why he was a tad sick on the Different Stages disc 3, but they give a very powerful performance. A good show for any collector.

Location: Sports Arena, San Diego, California, USA
Source: Audience
Grade: B/B+
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:38
Lakeside Park 4:59
By-Tor and the Snow Dog 4:48
Xanadu 7:57
Comments: Definatly an excellent Farewell to Kings show, for starters. The sound is exceptional fantastic, just a bit distant and a tad genned for my taste. Everything sounds very good, and the mix is definatly wonderful. Even with this small portion of a concert, you can tell it was a great performance, they totally rock tonight. Geddy's piercing falsetto is at the max in almost every song here. The completeness isn't good, as its only the first 4 songs, but we get a good sounding portion. The tape runs really fast at the end of Xanadu, a tape freak-out probably. An excellent show for any Rush lover, or any fan of this Rush era probably.

February 23, 1978 Manchester Master
Location: Manchester, England
Source: Audience (Analog Cassette Master+2nd gen)
Grade: B+/A-
Setlist: Bastille Day
Lakeside Park
By-tor and the Snowdog
A Farewell to Kings
Something for Nothing-Cygnus X-1
Closer to the Heart
Working Man-Drum Solo
Cinderella man
Radio Promo
Comments: Definatly an excellent boot. This source is not from the Ninteen Hundred and Seventy-Eight boot, it is a completely different source, and its a much better source at that, most times. For the first four songs there is some overpowering low end at times, but eq can definatly help. The rest of the boot sounds excellent. The clarity of the bass, guitar, and vocals is extremely excellent and phenominal for a recording of this age. Only the drums seem to be in the back of the mix at most times, but not bad at all for a Kings boot. The radio promo is definatly cool too. The performance here is excellent for sure. Geddy is in his best form of the tour, he is just singing like a complete god tonight, Alex's guitar is definatly working with him tonight, he is playing electric tonight., and Neil's drum solo seems to be in definatly top shape tonight for him. An excellent kings boot you cannot pass up.

Location: Tower Theater, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: Audience Master Clone
Grade: C/C-
Setlist: Intro tape (Nights Winters Years/Blue Jays) 2:00
Bastille Day 5:15
Lakeside Park 4:38
By-Tor and the Snow Dog 4:24
Xanadu 12:06
Something for Nothing 3:51
Cygnus X-1 9:43
Anthem 4:43
Closer to the Heart 3:54
2112 (minus Discovery and Oracle) cut 16:19
Medley: Working Man (cut in) 2:13
Fly By Night 1:57
In the Mood 2:28
Drum Solo (fade out) 4:17
Comments: Yikes! No doubt in my mind that this is the worst boot from the Farewell to Kings tour, and maybe from any tour, its terrible. The sound quality is pretty bad, compressed, and down right unlistenable at most times, because of the terrible tape transfer im pretty sure. If it weren't for the bad transfer, I think it would be a great boot. The performance here is pretty good at most tmes, Geddy is turning in a pretty nice vocal performance, Alex is in prime condition for playing his guitar as always. Neil is a bit low in the mix so I can't really hear what he is doing, but its probably good. There are cuts, so this isn't a great boot by any means.

December 10, 1977 The Sport of Kings
Location: The Sportatorium, Hollywood, Florida, USA
Source: Audience (2nd gen)
Grade: B
Setlist: Bastille Day 4:54
Lakeside Park 4:36
By-Tor and the Snow Dog 5:35
Xanadu 12:50
A Farewell to Kings 6:19
Something for Nothing 4:08
Cygnus X-1 10:42
Anthem 4:52
Closer to the Heart 3:29
2112 19:14
Working Man 4:14
Fly By Night 2:06
In The Mood 2:06
Drum Solo 5:51
Comments: What we have here is a 2nd generation tape of the Canadian Bacon Platinum Edition show, this show has its problems. There is a bit more tape hiss than the other source that I mentioned before, but I think that this one has the warmth that the other one dosen't have. There is still a good amount of distance with the band and the taper, but I think that everything still comes in perfectly fine. The performance is great here, as I think I mention in Canadian Bacon Platinum Edition, as they enjoy the weather that they have there in Florida. A decent show, but more for the collector than the casual trader.

Location: City Hall, Sheffield, England
Source: Audience
Grade: B
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:33
Lakeside Park 4:59
By-Tor And The Snow Dog 5:11
Xanadu 12:32
A Farewell To Kings 6:32
Something For Nothing 3:57
Cygnus X-1 10:07
Anthem 4:30
Closer To The Heart 3:11
2112 19:25
Working Man Medley / Drum Solo 14:55
Cinderella Man 4:10
Comments: The performance beats the sound by miles, but the sound here is definatly not bad at all. There isn't too much distance, and the crowd noise isn't terrible. The main thing that detracts for me is that it runs a tad slow, not too bad, there is a good amount of compression, and there is some minor tape hiss. The show is definatly listenable, but not best of tour sounding-wise. However, this could be the best performance from the A Farewell to Kings tour. They give an amazing rendition of "Anthem" and "Bastille Day" that will definatly rock you when you get this boot. Geddy is definatly in a great mood tonight, as you can hear him singing well. I think that this is a good boot, but not the best by a long stretch.

February 16, 1978 Premium Import
Location: The Apollo, Glasgow, Scotland
Source: Audience
Grade: B+/A-
Setlist: Bastille Day 6:00
Lakeside Park 4:40
By-Tor And The Snow Dog 5:18
Xanadu 13:37
A Farewell To Kings 6:38
Something For Nothing 4:08
Cygnus X-1 9:51
Anthem 4:42
Closer To The Heart 3:20
2112 19:50
Working Man 4:07
In the Mood 2:42
Drum Solo 5:45
Comments: Out of the two Glasgow shows in Scotland that Rush played, this is the better of the two performance-wise. The sound is really good, although the audience is a little loud, and there are some tape hiss, this is still pretty good. The sound in Castles in the Distance is better, though. The performance in this one is far better because the audience was more up for the night, and Rush was tired on the last date that they had at the Apollo. Geddy sounds spectacular this night, even though the speed is a touch slow, but it really dosn't detract from the original sound. When the keyboards are played, they are LOUD. They are probably the most prominate instrument when they are being played. The taper really got that keyboard part of the show on the recording device. All in all, this is a great show, you don't want to miss it if you are A Farewell to Kings era tour lover.

February 17, 1978 Castles in the Distance
Location: The Apollo, Glasgow, Scotland
Source: Audience
Grade: A-
Setlist: Bastille Day,
Lakeside Park,
By-tor and the Snowdog,
A Farewell to Kings,
Something for Nothing,
Cygnus X-1,
Closer to the Heart,
Working Man Meledy/ Drum Solo,
Cinderella Man (20 cut)
Comments: This is, in my mind, one of the definative shows out there in the A Farewell to Kings era. The sound is really a great hear, with only a little tape hiss, but nothing that would make this a really a bad recording. The only reason I didn't give it a straight A is because the song "Anthem" is completely gone, but this is really a great recording. The performance is a little tired becuase they had a very long tour, hence the name of the tour Drive Till you Die but Rush gives a decent performance, but its definatly not one of the best performances from the Farewell to Kings era. This is something you really need if you really like A Farewell to Kings because of the good sound and the rarity of the performance. A must have.

December 12, 1977 3 at the Forum
Location: The Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Source: Audience
Grade: B-/C+
Setlist: Xanadu 11:43
A Farewell to Kings 5:58
Closer to the Heart 3:28
Something For Nothing 4:00
Cygnus X-1 10:28
Working Man 3:55
Fly By Night 2:01
In the Mood 3:11
Cinderella Man 4:22
Comments: This is an upgrade from the Fly in the Night release, and this is a big difference, but its not the best source of the show ( Cinderella Kings and Three Helions come to Frongtown hold up to be the best) but you get the performance really good. The sound quality is a little muffled, and a tad distant, but you can still hear the performance fine. The audience isn't really all that loud, but there is some distortion that keeps this from going into the good quality shows. Overall, only for completists.

December 12, 1977 Cinderella Kings
Location: The Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Source: Audience
Grade: B+
Setlist: Xanadu 11:43
A Farewell to Kings 5:58
Closer to the Heart 3:28
Something For Nothing 4:00
Cygnus X-1 10:28
Working Man 3:55
Fly By Night 2:01
In the Mood 3:11
Cinderella Man 4:22
Comments: A pretty solid show, sound-wise, and performance-wise. There is almost no tape hiss, or no distortion in this tape. It was remastered from 3 at the Forum, and 3 at the Forum was remastered from Fly in the Night, and thank God that this chain just happened. This is definatly one of the best Kings shows out there. They were playing really well this night, and the taper really shows it, with good sound. There is almost no audience noise either, and there is bearly any compression, so you get the nice, full, and rich sound. The only main proble, if you will, is that there is some whistle noise when you listen at high volumnes, but it definatly isn't annoying at all. Overall, a must-have for Rush fans.

Location: The Apollo, Manchester, England
Source: Audience
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:45
Lakeside Park 5:02
By-Tor and the Snow Dog 5:57
Xanadu 13:13
A Farewell to Kings 7:19
Something For Nothing/Cygnus X-1 16:41
Anthem 4:57
Closer to the Heart 4:06
2112 18:13
Drum Solo 5:49
Cinderella Man 5:30
Radio Interview 40:47
Comments: The sound isn't so bad, but the source is running way too slow. I would say its running about 10-20% too slow, and thats a really big problem with the source, but, then again, I wouldn't relaly know because I don't really know speeds and such all to well. Another thing that I may add is that the source is also very compressed. Although "Lakeside Park" has about absolutly no compression or slowdown, I really don't think this is an essential to people who are casual bootleggers. This is definatly only for people who love the Kings era.

Location: Music Hall, Houston, Texas, USA
Source: Unknown
Grade: B/B+
Setlist: Bastille Day
Lakeside Park
By-Tor and the Snow Dog
A Farewell to Kings
Something for Nothing
Cygnus X-1
Closer to the Heart
2112: Overture
2112: The Temples of Syrinx
2112: Discovery
2112: Presentation
2112: Soliloguy
2112: Grand Finale
Comments: This is a great source, the only problem is that it didn't catch the whole show. The sound, overall, is very nice, but it does sound a little hollow if you listen in on the music. There is very little distortion, and there is very little tape hiss to be found on this source. Digital rush experience did not know what source this is, so I can't be grading it harshly on anything until we know. If I were to guess, I would say that this is a low gen audience source, but I could be completly wrong. There is overall very little audience noise, and the performance was really tight as well. Nothing to complain about here, a very good performance.

December 12, 1977 Fly in the Night
Location: The Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Source: Audience
Grade: D-
Setlist: Xanadu 11:41
A Farewell To Kings 5:55
Closer To The Heart 3:25
Something For Nothing 3:58
Cygnus X-1 10:31
Working Man 2:19
Fly By Night 3:36
In The Mood 3:07
Cinderella Man 4:32
Comments: Well, this has to be one of the worst boots that I have ever heard. The sound is awful, muffled, distorted, cuts, chopped up, it was not a pleasent listen for me. Thats really to bad, too, they were in Canada, so you knew it was going to be a good performance. I can't recommend this to anyone, its really not at all good. The only okay thing about this is that its a Kings tour date, which is a rarity, because there aren't to many.

February 14, 1978 Drive 'til you die
Location: City Hall, Newcastle, England
Source: Audience
Grade: B
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:29
Lakeside Park 4:53
By-Tor & the Snow Dog 5:51
Xanadu 12:29
A Farewell to Kings 7:11
Something for Nothing 4:50
Cygnus X-1 10:49
Anthem 4:47
Closer to the Heart 3:54
2112 19:02
Working Man/Fly By Night/In the Mood 11:23
Drum Solo/Cindarella Man 11:10
Comments: I can't say this is a really bad recording. The sound is really okay to listen to, I can say the sound quality is much better than the Premium Export bootleg below this review. There is a little bit of low end distortion, but its pretty good, and the performance is really the standout. Rush was playing really great that night, and the recorder picked it up perfectly. The performance and the sound gets better around "Xanadu" or so, and then the recording starts to be about a B or so, so I gave that as a final grade. I can only recommend this bootleg to diehards.

February 16, 1978 Premium Export
Location: The Apollo, Glasgow, Scotland
Source: Audience (1st gen)
Grade: B-
Setlist: Bastille Day 6:00
Lakeside Park 4:40
By-Tor And The Snow Dog 5:18
Xanadu 13:37
A Farewell To Kings 6:38
Something For Nothing 4:08
Cygnus X-1 9:51
Anthem 4:42
Closer To The Heart 3:20
2112 19:50
Working Man 4:07
In the Mood 2:42
Drum Solo 5:45
Comments: The sound on this bootleg is a little weak, to say the least. The instruments are okay, but get really drowned out by all of the audience noises. It can have an okay sound for a couple of songs, like "Anthem" is probably the best sounding track on that one, but the crowd is just too wild for this taper. There is also quite a bit of tape hiss on the recording as well. And, another wrong with this tape is that is has a little echoe, and very compressed sound. I can only recommend this to people who are in need of everything. A better release of this is Prenium Import by Digital Reproductions, which has much better sound.

December 12, 1977 Three Hellions come to Frogtown
Location: The Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Source: Audience
Grade: B+ /B
Setlist: Xanadu 11:43
A Farewell to Kings 5:58
Closer to the Heart 3:28
Something For Nothing 4:00
Cygnus X-1 10:28
Working Man 3:55
Fly By Night 2:01
In the Mood 3:11
Cinderella Man 4:22
Comments: I really like this show. I will admit, the sound is a little compressed, but you can hear all the instruments fine. Although the bass is a bit muddy, you can hear it fine. The guitar is really great, and the drumming is really nice as well. I recommend this to any bootleg collectors who are a fan of the Farewell to Kings era. Also, as a bonus, this includes radio broadcasts of interviews backstage with the band, which is one of the good parts about this bootleg as well. Highly recommended, again, as I have said before.

November 12, 1977 The Art of Sound
Location: The Palladium, New York, New York, USA
Source: Audience
Grade: B+
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:11
Lakeside Park 5:01
By-Tor And The Snow Dog 4:42
Xanadu 12:11
A Farewell To Kings 6:20
Something For Nothing 4:03
Cygnus X-1 8:45
Anthem 5:03
Closer To The Heart 3:09
2112 18:41
Working Man Medley / Drum Solo 13:39
Comments: I have recently discovered that this is an audience source, but not a bad one at that. The sound is easily better than more than three fourths of all A Farewell to Kings recordings. The instruments sound great tonight. There isn't too much tape hiss, but there is definatly some distortion as you can hear if you listen really closely. There is some warble every now and then, but nothing that would overall detract from the recording. There is no distance, but there is some tape talk as you can hear, but definatly nothing that would make this an unenjoyable recording, definatly not. There is no compression with the recording either, luckily. The performance is easily one of my favorite from the tour, though. Geddy definatly gives a great performance, he is definatly having fun tonight. Alex is hitting all of the notes perfectly. Neil is just having fun tonight. This is definatly an excellent recording for everyone.

September 28, 1977 Ron's Vault release #5
Location: Selland Areana, Fresno, California, USA
Source: 1st gen cassette
Grade: A-/A
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:56
Lakeside Park 4:42
By-Tor and the Snow Dog 4:47
Xanadu 11:49
A Farewell To Kings 6:08
Cygnus X-1 10:02
Something for Nothing 3:55
Anthem 4:49
Closer to the Heart 3:12
2112 18:58
Working Man 4:12
Fly By Night 2:04
In the Mood 2:38
Drum Solo 5:49
Cinderella Man 4:22
Comments: This is one of the best bootlegs from this tour. The sound is really nice, and its got a nice and rich tone to it. There is not any echoe from this boot, either. There is a little bit of distance between the taper and the stage, but its really not that incredibly bad to listen to. This is, in fact, an audience recording, its not a soundboard, or any other kind of source. Another reason to get this is because of the performance. A very good one, but they mess up a couple of times, nothing to worry about. There is some compression, but everything comes in incredibly. This is Kings heaven, one of the best performances I can name, and definatly best of tour sound, because not alot of shows from this tour sound good. Everything is heard fine, and its highly recommended.

Location: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Source: Audience
Grade: C+
Setlist: Intro/Bastille Day 5:58
Lakeside Park 4:41
By-Tor And The Snow Dog 5:10
Xanadu 12:48
A Farewell To Kings 6:38
Comments: This is just for collectors. This really just dosen't sound very good, at all. There is alot of distortion, and there is a very muffled and unattractive feel to this. With that out of the way, disc 2 sounds like god compared to disc 1, the only thing that breaks it down is that the performance wasn't that great, but still exceptional for Rush. All-in-all, I think disc 2 is really a much better sound overall, compared to disc 1. I really wished that the full concert sounded good, but I really can't change much of it. This is really only for Kings lovers.

Location: The Sportatorium, Hollywood, Florida, USA
Source: Audience (1st gen)
Grade: A-
Setlist: Bastille Day 5:02
Lakeside Park 4:29
By-Tor And The Snow Dog 5:40
Xanadu 12:40
A Farewell To Kings 6:10
Something For Nothing 4:07
Cygnus X-1 10:37
Anthem 4:52
Closer To The Heart 3:28
2112 19:01
Working Man 4:01
Fly By Night 2:05
In the Mood 2:39
Drum Solo 5:33
Comments: This is a really excellent Farewell to Kings audience bootleg. The setlist is missing Cinderella Man, but it is still really great. Overall, there is bearly any hiss in the taper at all, after I have listened to it completly. The drums are kind of low in the mix, but still very noticable and listenable. The guitar is loud, and so is the bass. Geddy, was pretty good, a little distant, but one of the highlights of the show was Geddy's voice, great, compelling, and loud. Very nice performance, as well, Rush was trying there hardest (or should I say The Best they can!) Overall, a must have for diehards and casual bootleggers.
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